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Best motorcycle jacket for tall riders

Are you tall, and are you having trouble finding a motorcycle jacket that will fit you well? You are not the only one!

Finding a well fitting jacket can be hard when you are over 6 foot tall. That’s why I wrote this article. I wrote it to help you find the gear you need!

With 6’1 and 185 lbs, I’m not slim myself, but I know the trouble of wearing jackets with too short arm sleeves. One of my riding buddies is 6’2 and 165 lbs and trust me when I tell you we’ve been to loads of gear shops around town. So both slim as bigger riders will have trouble finding a suitable jacket for tall riders.

I’ll first give you the 2 best jackets for tall riders, followed by a detailed article for both slim and bigger guys out there.

So what’s the best motorcycle jacket for tall riders?

The best leather motorcycle jacket for tall riders is the Dainese Racing 3 (Revzilla). The best textile motorcycle jacket for tall riders is the REV’IT Jupiter 2 jacket. Riders with a bigger waist should consider looking into REV’IT for leather jackets as well since Dainese has a slim cut.

This is the best leather jacket for tall riders:

Motorcycle jacket for tall riders

Tall and slim riders

Let’s start off with the biggest problem, which is finding a good jacket for tall and slim riders. These riders usually find that jackets are eighter too short or too wide.

European vs American fit

It’s no secret that the average American fit is a little bit wider than the average European fit. That’s why European brands will fit tall and slim riders better than American brands.

Dainese has some of the best leather jackets out there, that will fit slim riders very well. A list with the best-sold leather jackets from Dainese can be found here (Amazon). The Dainese Racing 3 jacket is your best pick if you ask me!

Dainese is an Italian brand that produces motorcycling, mountain biking, winter sports, and horseriding gear. I’m from the Netherlands myself and still, I think that Italian clothing is quite tight and narrow since most Italians are slim. That’s why this brand fits so well for tall and slim riders.

For textile jackets, I would highly recommend REV’IT. Dainese is a star in leather gear, but their textile gear isn’t anything special. REV’IT is Dutch and produces great textile jackets! (Revzilla) I wear the REV’IT Jupiter jacket and it fits me perfectly. My buddy also got this jacket and it also fits him (even though he has an other build than me).

Which jacket will fit a skinny and tall rider?

You are wondering what jacket will fit you? What’s better than some actual examples? I’ve gone through some forums and made a list of jacket types and the height/weight of the person wearing the jacket.

MaterialBrandModel SizeHeightWeight
LeatherDaineseSuper Speed 506’2140 lbs
LeatherDaineseRacing D1
1046’4200 lbs
TextileREV’ITJupiter 2526’1185 lbs

What is your build

The chart above says something about height and length, but it doesn’t say anything about build. Keep in mind that every body is unique and that height and weight doesn’t say it all.

Weight and height are just two dimensions, but also keep in mind that shoulders, arm length and waist size may vary. I’m personally a bit bigger build, which means I have wide shoulders and quite some waist.

Tall with wide shoulders

Are you over 6 feet and do you have wide shoulders? You will probably end up with a jacket that will fit your shoulders well, but is a little bit too wide on the waist. There is nothing we can do about that, unfortunately.

Your shoulder size is more important than your waist size since the shoulders will be covered by armor. Make sure the armor fits AROUND your shoulder and it doesn’t rest ON your shoulder.

Tall and slim

Are you tall and very slim build? In that case, finding a jacket might be a challenge. As said before, the Dainese leather jackets probably suit you best. They aren’t cheap, but you’ll get the best (fitting) leather jacket money can buy.

What if you are very slim and can’t find anything that fits? Here is a hack!

Did you try the Dainese jackets and are these jackets still too wide for you? Man, you’re having a hard time finding the right jacket!

But don’t worry, there is a little trick that nobody talks about! The trick is quite simple actually. Just look into ladies jackets! There are plenty of jackets that are made for women but will look good on men as well. A neutral black color will do.

The only thing you have to consider is the zipper. Women’s clothing has inverse zippers. You’ll have to get used to zipping the other way around, but that’s literally all you have to worry about!

Tall and big guys

Next up are the tall and bigger guys. Having a bit of waist is a disadvantage in most cases. Well, today is your day, because being a bit bigger makes it easier to find a jacket for tall riders!

Slim people will find that the bigger sizes will fit in length, but they won’t fit in width. For us, however, that’s different. We will have both the advantage of the longer fit as well as the wider cut.

I personally think that bigger guys appreciate textile jackets better. That’s because leather jackets should fit like a second skin. They have to be super tight in order to work well. Bigger guys will find it harder to find something that fits that precise AND usually get super hot in a tight leather jacket.

For the bigger guys out there, I would say that REV’IT and Joe Rocket are the brands to go to, for both leather and textile jackets. I wear a REV’IT Jupiter 2 textile jacket and it works great for me. I personally wear a size 52, but you might want to go bigger if you really have a bit of belly.

Things to keep in mind when buying a bigger jacket

As with the slimmer riders, the bigger riders should also keep in mind that the shoulder protection should fit at all times! Shoulder protection should go AROUND your shoulders and not rest ON your shoulders.

A jacket that fits the shoulders but has some waist left is better than a jacket with a perfect waist fit but incorrect shoulder protection.

Another thing to keep in mind is the length. Always try your jacket on whiles positioned as on your bike. This can make a huge difference, especially for those who ride sportbikes. Keep in mind that you’ll be bending forward, uncovering your lower back when the jacket is too short.


Tim owns a Honda 'Hornet' CB600F and loves to ride his bike whenever the weather allows him to. Tim has been interested in motorcycle clothing before he even owned a motorcycle driving license. Motorcycle gear is his hobby and that's why he started this blog. Tim lives in the Netherlands, which you might notice due to his accent.

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