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Can your leather motorcycle jacket get wet?

Making the right decisions about the gear you need in order to safely ride in all conditions can save your life. You may have already determined that a leather jacket is one of the most common choices for motorists. However, you may now be asking yourself whether your leather jacket can withstand the rain and weather or not. Here, you can walk through some common problems that come with riding in the rain, and how to protect yourself and your jacket. 

Leather motorcycle jackets are durable and can withstand the rain, especially with the right care and attention. By waterproofing your jacket, using a leather conditioner, and wearing an outer layer for long rides in heavy rain, you can keep your jacket in great condition for years to come.

If you want to know how to make the most of your leather motorcycle jacket, you’ll need to know how to protect and care for it. While you can ride in the rain wearing leather, you also need to dry it off properly and invest in proper maintenance. 

Can leather motorcycle jackets be worn in the rain?

You may have heard about the dangers of getting the leather wet. If you own a nice pair of leather shoes or a normal leather jacket, you may already know that waterproofing is important and that water can cause significant damage to real leather. 

The good news is, leather motorcycle jackets have great durability. In fact, leather is the most common material used for motorcycle jackets. This is, in part, due to their reliability and long-lasting protection.

While some leathers may not hold up as well, most can handle the occasional ride through the rain. Suede leather is one of the least durable and may be ruined after getting wet, but most jackets should hold up unless you are constantly riding through downpours. 

The trick to making a leather motorcycle jacket last through the rain is to take proper care of it before and after it’s gotten wet. When you first get your jacket, you should consider waterproofing it with beeswax cream or a waterproofing spray. We’ll get into this more in the next section. 

Once you have ridden through the rain, there are some tips for drying the jacket properly. The most important tip is to never use heat to dry your leather jacket. When leather gets wet, the oil bonds to the water, and if dried too quickly they will evaporate together, leaving a brittle and fragile jacket. 

Instead, let your jacket air dry in a well-ventilated area out of direct sunlight. If your jacket is dripping, use a microfiber cloth to wipe away the water before letting it drip-dry. When the jacket is still damp, now is the time to condition. There are many types of leather conditioners. All will help retain the leather’s natural oils, and most will also provide some water protection. 

Even if your leather jacket doesn’t get wet, it’s a good idea to regularly condition the material. A good leather conditioner will keep your jacket looking its best and will protect it from damage caused by water, wind, dust, and wear. 

Can you waterproof a leather motorcycle jacket?

In the section above, I mentioned the possibility of waterproofing your motorcycle jacket. Adding wax or a special spray designed to create a layer of protection above the leather can increase your jacket’s resistance to rain. 

It is important to note that leather can never be 100% waterproof due to its porous nature. However, just because you can’t take it for a swim doesn’t mean you can’t wear it through the rain. 

No matter what product you use to waterproof your jacket, the idea is that you are creating a protective film between the leather and the elements. There are many types of sprays and waxes that will work for making the leather more water-resistant. The key is to consider how often your jacket gets wet and find a product that will work for you. 

Keep in mind, however, that any conditioner or wax may darken the leather. It’s a good idea to spot-check your leather jacket before coating it in wax and realizing that the color has changed. If you don’t want to go through this effort of treating the leather, you can always buy a waterproof overcoat to wear over the top of your leathers!

What do you need to know about riding a motorcycle in the rain?

When it comes to riding in the rain, there’s more to pay attention to than whether or not your jacket is being ruined. How can you keep yourself safe while riding in the rain? Knowing that your jacket will keep you dry is one thing, but what else should you be thinking about?

Besides a good jacket, you’ll also want to get motorcycle boots with good traction. You don’t want your foot slipping off the footpeg while you ride or when you come to a stop! In the same vein, you don’t want to slip when you put your foot down while stopped. 

Seasoned motorcyclists will tell you to keep an eye out for extra slippery dangers while you ride. While many riders are aware of the dangers of hydroplaning, they may not realize that something as simple as a wet leaf, a pile of pine needles, or paint on the road can be extreme hazards when wet. 

Along with watching for slippery areas, motorcyclists also need to pay extra attention to the fluidity of their motions. Don’t slam on the brakes; instead, brake smoothly and with room to spare. In the same way, try not to accelerate or turn too quickly, as you’ll have less control during the rain.

Overall, when it comes to riding in the rain, you need to maintain control, stay calm, and keep as dry as you can by investing in the proper gear for all weather.

How often should you clean your motorcycle gear?

We’ve talked a lot about the importance of good motorcycle gear. The right leather jacket will provide protection against impacts, cuts, abrasion, and years of wear and tear. Leather can withstand some rain and can hold up against the weather while you ride. But a one-time purchase isn’t enough to make your leather last through the years; you’ll need to do some upkeep.

Aside from regular conditioning and waterproofing, you should be cleaning your leather jacket and other riding gear. Just like your bike needs occasional maintenance, your gear will last a lot longer if it’s not neglected. 

The frequency with which you wash and condition your leather jacket will depend a lot on how often you ride, how long you ride, and how extreme the conditions are during your ride. Someone who commutes an hour to work every day will need to clean their leather gear more often than someone who takes an occasional weekend drive.

In order to clean your leather jacket, you can wipe down the leather with a damp (but not wet!) cloth. Apply a conditioner and let air-dry in a well-ventilated area. At a minimum, you should wipe down and condition your leather motorcycle jacket after about 200 hours of riding. 

However, if you have bug guts or dirt on your jacket after riding, you should wipe it down immediately. Bugs will harden onto your jacket the longer you leave them and become quite difficult to clean. 

Immediate spot cleaning and consistent drying practices when your jacket gets wet will help you increase the longevity of your jacket. While leather motorcycles can withstand the rain, they’ll always last longer with the proper care.


Tim owns a Honda 'Hornet' CB600F and loves to ride his bike whenever the weather allows him to. Tim has been interested in motorcycle clothing before he even owned a motorcycle driving license. Motorcycle gear is his hobby and that's why he started this blog. Tim lives in the Netherlands, which you might notice due to his accent.

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