I'm an absolute fan of cool helmets. I really appreciate a nice helmet since it's one of the few things that can make your outfit unique. Nowadays there are these superhero motorcycle helmets for...
Beginner rider? Check my Guide for newbie motorcycle clothing!
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As a biker, I have been wearing motorcycle jackets for a while now, and in all my years I have always wondered why they are short. So I decided to do some research and I'll share my insights with you...
If there is one thing that makes new riders doubt, it is the choice between a 1-piece or 2-piece motorcycle suit. The best choice for you depends on the type of rider you are. I'll explain the...
Riding your bike on a hot day is one of the best things ever. Hot wind and sun on your face, whiles enjoying the dry roads. The heat, however, can be quite challenging. I'm someone who gets got quite...
As a motorcycle lover and owner, there’s nothing that gives me more joy and satisfaction than seeing my baby shine. Especially after a long day of moving around on all kinds of terrain, the...
Motorcycle forums reveal that loads of new riders are in doubt when it comes to buying gloves. Should you go for the gauntlet long gloves? Or should you buy the short cuff gloves? What is better?...